Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why I'm not a brilliant man

A brilliant man that I've never met recently said that he always censors his writing. He argued that his thoughts were for himself, and those were uncensored, but his writing was for others and therefore was always censored.

I personally don’t know how he does it. My thoughts were stolen from me at an early age. My thoughts aren’t my own and they certainly aren’t uncensored. I have to be very careful with my thoughts and how long I let them float around my mind because I will usually quite quickly dispute them. I have learned to squash any particles of hope and remove completely any silly ideas like success or happiness.

The only way to truly convey my feelings to myself or to others without censorship is to write. When I write, I am free.  Writing gives me the ability to allow my true thoughts to emerge. I become vulnerable when I write and it is impossible to censor what I am feeling. The words just flow as an extension of my fingers and my thoughts suddenly appear on this blank white background.  I am able to release these thoughts from my mind before I am able to sabotage or edit them.

I love that I am able to write. I talk a lot about how I am a writer. I talk a lot about things that I have written. I don’t know how I would make any sense of all of the mumbo jumbo in my mind without my writing. I am truly blessed with this gift. This gift: being able to perfectly convey how I am feeling or what I am thinking or all the hurt inside me or all my ambitions for the future. It’s all written down; recorded. It can’t be changed, it can’t be manipulated and I can’t talk myself out of any of these things. They already exist in writing and they are permanent.

Please don’t ask to see or read any of my writing though. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem sharing these pieces of writing with you. I love the feeling of being vulnerable and having other people read about my thoughts. But I’ll just tell you about them, ok?  You see, the problem is that most of these pieces of writing only exist in my mind. I just visualize myself writing and I am able to write down all the words in my mind. In fact, I write 100’s of articles, emails, blog posts and essays in my mind every month. After all, my writing is the only way I can grasp the purest form of my uncensored thoughts.

I don’t know how he does it. Having all those uncensored thoughts in his mind all the time must be overwhelming. I admire him for his transparency but I think I’ll just stick to writing.
